Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy Intensives
The Background
Intensive treatment models are becoming increasingly used throughout the world as patients, therapists, and doctors recognize the many benefits and potential for outstanding results.
The Therasuit method was developed by physical therapists Richard and Izabela Koscielny in the 1990s. The Koscielnys moditied a spacesuit to create a suit that would support and resist the body while allowing for movement. They also developed exercises and activities to use with the suit.
The Therasuit method has become widely recognized as a respected approach to physical therapy for children and adults with neurological conditions.
The Therasuit method uses a soft, dynamic, proprioceptive orthotic that provides compression and resistance to the body. The suit is made up of multiple components, including a cap, vest, shorts, knee pads, and attachments for the arms and legs. The elastic rubber bands in the components can be adjusted to activate different muscles and increase resistance as a child progresses. The program has been extensively researched and shows data driven results.
What are the benefits of the Therasuit program?
The TheraSuit program aims to help your child improve independence with daily activities such as:
Feeding and dressing
Improved body awareness
Improved motor skills
Improved balance and coordination
Improved posture
Improved flexibility
Improved mobility
Who can benefit?
Therapy intensives have proven to be beneficial for babies, children, and young adults with a variety of disablities and needs to include:
Cerebral Palsy
Developmental Delays
Traumatic Brain Injury
Post Stroke (CVA)
Ataxia Athetosis
Sensory Processing Disorder
Spina bifida
Genetic Conditions
Down Syndrome
Who do I contact to learn more?
If you are interested in potentially scheduling a Therasuit intensive for your child, the first step would be to reach out to our Intensive Coordinator, Nicole Fajardo, by phone at 770-901-7863 or by email at cobblestoneintensives@gmail.com.